Well it's Wednesday October 5th, which means The Packers are four days away from their game against the New York Giants in London. It also means that for many who are traveling to see the game, it's time to pack. Czabe brought up on today's Steve Czaban Show how he stresses out about packing and usually packs well ahead of time. Josh Albrecht and Bill Schmid felt differently and said they pack the night before. While neither of the three are going to London to see the Packers play the Giants, there was still a good conversation about packing tips, what to pack, and why packing for a trip isnt always the same for everyone. Go to thegamemke.com to listen to today's entire Steve Czaban Show.
The Steve Czaban Show will feature the latest national and local sports headlines as well a variety of topics and news that matter most to the...Full Bio