Restaurants have been trying to survive in the time of lockdowns and quarantine. Usually this has been offered from sit down restaurants that have started doing curbside pick up. Well, in today's "What's Trending" segment, the boys of The Steve Czaban Show discussed the news that Taco Bell was throwing their sombrero in the ring and introducing their own DIY kit. For the low low price of just twenty-five dollars you can get a bunch of ingredients and items you either already have at home, or that you can get for much less than twenty-five dollars at your local grocery store.
Inside your taco kit, you'll find eight flour tortillas, twelve crunch shells, six ounces of tortilla chips, beef, shredded lettuce, refried beans, nacho cheese sauce, cheddar cheese, diced tomatoes, sour cream, and hot sauce packets. No one is arguing that these are difficult times for everyone, especially the service industry, but this taco DIY kit from Taco Bell is silly. If you want Taco Bell, just go get taco bell.