Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.
Words to live by. Words to take seriously. I have to say I always believed this, but this weekend was a good reminder of that. See I have been considering myself a budding bird-watcher lately. As a side note - i'm not even sure what it takes to consider yourself a hobbyist in this regard, but I like looking at birds. Anyway, the point is, you've heard it. Recently Ted and I, much to Dario's chagrin, have been geeking out about different bird videos and I personally have been excited to spot them when I am on my walks. I kept thinking to myself that I should look up and try methods to attract different types of birds to my window. "How cool would it be to observe these beauties of nature?" I thought.
Well even without trying, I got what I wished for, as this past week a very aggressive gold finch, or possibly yellow warbler (still trying to get someone from the Audubon Society to answer me back on twitter) has been pecking the hell out of my bedroom window, presumably seeing it's reflection. Now this isn't the first time I have had this battle. Around this time 2 summers ago these bad boys also nested and ripped up my whole window screen. Last year they weren't around, but now they are back. To be honest, I thought the little dude was taunting me. It felt like every time I scared him away to fall back asleep he would come back and start pecking. Then he would switch windows. I started to think to myself, it was time to declare war.
However I developed a new outlook on this previously pugnacious situation. This dude is just thinking he is protecting his nest. He has to cape up for his family. I have to respect that. Plus, as I said earlier, isn't this what I wanted? I have to realize how lucky I am to have such a beautiful creature to look at. So let's live together, my little summer friend, you are now part of my family - and your name is Dario.