Nine 2 Noon

Nine 2 Noon

Nine 2 Noon with John Kuhn - Join the former Packers fullback weekdays from 9a-12pm


Injuries You Thought Weren’t Possible

On Thursday’s 5 Wide with Czabe, John Kuhn and Brian Butch, the topic of hot tubs, cold tubs and icing of injuries came up thanks to Czabe. Recently Czabe has been icing his hands to reduce some swelling and he asked Kuhn and Butch about going into cold tubs and the process to get in. Czabe gets really cold after about thirty seconds and then said it had to get cold in a cold tub once you get to waist high and then chest high. Kuhn then told the boys a story about former teammate James Starks and an injury he suffered while in a cold tub. You don’t want to miss it.

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