Are you social distancing until we flatten the curve and can return to normalcy or are you doubling down on your Pascal's Wager and ignoring the advice of health and government officials? Either way you need tunes to accompany you on this journey and I'm here to help.
From now until we get the all clear, I will share a "COVID-19 Quarantine Album of the Day". An album from my collection that you can listen to (when you're not listening to Drew & KB) as you ride out the storm. It might be classic rock, it might be country, it might even be a Broadway Musical Soundtrack.
Today's album - The Cars by The Cars
The first time I heard this I was at my buddy Mark Walk's house and from the opening chords of "Good Times Roll" to the last notes of "All Mixed Up", this album delivered a sound so unique and so different it was literally life-changing. Not to mention I can't listen to "Moving In Stereo" anymore without conjuring up the image of Phoebe Cates on the diving board in "Fast Times at Ridgemont High".