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Illness and injuries can be an incredibly stressful experience, so when seeking medical treatment, you likely want to get the best care possible to help take away your worries and anxieties. While you may think the best hospitals are always in big cities, that is not always the case; great medical institutions are found even in smaller towns.
If you're still searching for a medical facility you can trust, a new report aims to help you out. Newsweek recently partnered with Statista to compile a list of the "best-in-state" hospitals for 2024, which recognized 600 leading hospitals around the country based on factors like quality and patient experience.
According to the site, the best hospital in all of Wisconsin is University of Wisconsin Hospital in Madison.
Here's how Newsweek describes compiling a list of the best hospitals around the country:
"From June to July 2023, Statista conducted an online survey featuring tens of thousands of healthcare professionals, including doctors and hospital managers. The score each hospital received was broken down into four main categories — recommendations from peers, patient experience, hospital quality metrics and Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) implementations."
Check out the full list at Newsweek to see the best hospital in each state. You can also see our previous coverage of some other hospitals in Wisconsin considered some of the best in America.