Remember this kid the next time you want to call in sick because of a hangover . . . or a bunion . . . or you just don't feel like working . . .
There's a soft-spoken kid in Philadelphia named Kevin Davis, who just graduated from high school after never missing a single day of school his entire LIFE.
From pre-kindergarten through 12th grade, he made it to school every day . . . a total of 2,340 days in a row. He even dislocated his shoulder playing football last year, and still showed up for class the next morning.
He says he's watched his parents get up and go to work his whole life, even when they didn't feel great. So that's where he gets his work ethic.
Now that he's graduated, he's hoping to go to culinary school, and open a restaurant called "Oma Goodness" . . . spelled O-M-A. It's a shout-out to his grandmother, Oma, who passed away back in 2010.
Some of his teachers from school were so inspired by him, they started a GoFundMe page this month to help pay his tuition. And in less than two weeks, they've raised about 20 GRAND.
He still needs about $5,000 more. So if you want to help him out, search for "Kevin's 13 Year Commitment" on
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