There are two versions of the lowercase g. There's the simple one that you learned how to write when you were a little kid . . . and then there's the fancier one that you see in print.
97% of adult books use a font that has the fancier lowercase g. It's the one with a circle, then a little connector, then an oval. It's called the "loop tail" g.
And . . . almost NO ONE knows how to write one from memory.
Researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore just ran a study where only one out of 38 people even REMEMBERED there were two forms of the lowercase g . . . and only one person drew it right.
Then they ran another survey where they showed 25 people four different possible versions of the loop tail g . . . and only 28% picked the correct one. More than half of people picked one where the entire lower half was backwards.
(Here's a picture of the regular lowercase g and the fancy one, and the test of four.)
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