If you take an Uber home from the bar this weekend, check the seat before you get out. 11:00 P.M. and 1:00 A.M. are the most common times people leave stuff behind, because that's when everyone's heading home drunk. Expect that to kick into overdrive on St. Patrick's Day.
Uber just released stats on all the stuff people left behind last year.
The top ten items we forgot were our phone . . . wallet . . . keys . . . clothing . . . glasses . . . a handbag or purse . . . backpacks . . . e-cigarettes . . . headphones . . . and IDs.
Sunday and Saturday are the most common days to leave stuff behind. It's the rarest on Wednesdays and Tuesdays.
The cities that leave the most stuff behind are DuBois, Pennsylvania . . . Athens, Georgia . . . Stillwater, Oklahoma . . . Shreveport, Louisiana . . . and Boone, North Carolina. Possibly because they're all big college towns.
And for some reason, mid-September through late October is the most popular time of year to forget stuff. The top five days were all between September 17th and October 22nd.
They also posted a list of the WEIRDEST stuff people forgot. Here are the top ten . . .
A "Star Wars" encyclopedia . . . two packs of mud from the Dead Sea . . . one shoe . . . a bulletproof vest . . . a flat screen TV . . . a leaf blower . . . a butcher knife . . . a single dart . . . a college diploma . . . and someone's little brother.
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