Seven Things To Know About Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Here are seven interesting stats about Memorial Day . . .

1.  25 cities around the country CLAIM to be the birthplace of Memorial Day.  But the first state that officially recognized it as a holiday was New York in 1873.

2.  75% of us will go to a barbecue this weekend.  It's the second most-popular holiday for grilling.  Fourth of July is first.

3.  Between now and Labor Day, Americans will eat about 7 BILLION hot dogs.  That's 818 hot dogs every second.

4.  39.3 million Americans are traveling this weekend, up about 3% from last year.  88% are driving to their destination.  Orlando is the most popular place to go.

5.  41% of us expect to buy something this weekend at a Memorial Day sale.

6.  Be careful out there:  There's a 25% bump in cooking-related fires on Memorial Day.  About 50,000 people will be injured in car accidents this weekend.  And 44% of traffic fatalities will involve alcohol. 

7.  42 million veterans have served in war time.  And a total of 1.3 million Americans have lost their lives defending the United States.  That's an important stat since remembering THEM is what Memorial Day is really about. 

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