Today is Cinco de Mayo, which is a holiday that commemorates a battle victory by Mexico over France in 1862. Oddly enough, it's way more popular in America than it is in Mexico.
Here are some highlights . . .
1. In 13 states, the most common search was, "What is Cinco de Mayo?" We can't blast anyone who wants some education.
2. We CAN blast the four states where the top search was "When is Cinco de Mayo?" though. Not a good look, Arizona, Nebraska, Iowa, and Indiana.
3. Tequila or tequila sunrise was the top search in eight states.
4. Searches for different Mexican restaurants were popular in 15 states, but only one of them searched for TACO BELL: Utah.
5. And finally, there were three states that Googled something about Mexican culture that isn't food. Wyoming and Rhode Island's top search was for the Mexican flag . . . and Louisiana's was for sombreros.
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