Their charity is called Monkey's House. It's named after an old, sick dog they used to have named Monkey. And they usually take care of around 20 dogs at a time, but right now they have about 25.
They save most of them from shelters, and they all have terminal illnesses like cancer. So otherwise they'd be put down.
The whole point is to make sure the dogs are as happy as possible for the rest of their lives. So they've got beds all over the place . . . six acres to run around on . . . and they're actually ENCOURAGED to jump up on the furniture.
Volunteers also cook homemade dog food for them every day. And Michele and Jeff rely on donations to pay for all the dogs' medical bills. Which are NOT cheap.
Michele is a former nurse and used to foster dogs in her spare time. Then they started the charity in 2015, and now it's a full-time job.
If you want to help, you can donate at their website,
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