Which of These Things Would You Do For $5 Million

A HILARIOUS new survey by Buzzfeed asked people if they'd do a bunch of MESSED-UP THINGS for five million dollars.

Let's see if you're a better person than I am.  Check 'em out . . .

1.  Would you only listen to country music for the rest of your life for $5 million?  54% would, 46% wouldn't.

2.  Knowing that somewhere in the world, one random person would die in exchange for you getting the money . . . with you never knowing who it is?  50% would, 50% wouldn't.

3.  Quit the Internet for the next 15 years?  45% would, 55% wouldn't.

4.  Have all your teeth removed?  42% would, 58% wouldn't.

5.  Do five years in a maximum security prison?  30% would, 70% wouldn't.

6.  Eat a live cockroach every day for the rest of your life?  25% would, 75% wouldn't.

7.  Live in solitude for the next 20 years?  24% would, 76% wouldn't.

8.  Only eat plain oatmeal for every meal for the rest of your life?  22% would, 78% wouldn't.

9.  Cut off the thumb on your dominant hand?  14% would, 86% wouldn't.

10.  Eat your pet?  8% would, 92% wouldn't.

11.  French kiss one of your parents for two hours straight?  7% would, 93% wouldn't.

12.  Never bathe again or use deodorant?  7% would, 93% wouldn't.

13.  Never use a bathroom again and only go in your pants?  5% would, 95% wouldn't.

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