A guy in South Korea named Choi Kil-soo has only been working as a firefighter for about two months. And he's already very popular!
An apartment building in Seoul caught fire over the weekend, and a bunch of people were trapped inside.
So he got in there . . . ran up to the third floor . . . and started getting people out. But by then the fire had spread, and he couldn't get out the way he came in.
At least five other people were still in the building with him. So he helped them climb out a third-story window and drop down to the ground. Meanwhile, he stood there blocking the flames with his BACK so they didn't get burned.
Then after they were all out, he jumped down too, and there's video of it. He says his gloves were on FIRE by that point, and you can see his back smoldering. But apparently his gear protected him for the most part.
He fractured his hip when he landed though. And he was supposed to get married next month, so he has to postpone it now.
He says he was just going on instinct. His job was to get everyone out, so that's what he did.
Check out the video!
(Photo: Getty Images)
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