KB and Matt Mueller Explain Theory For A Generation Loving The World Cup

The World Cup is a unique event. Every four years, countries seem to come together for one common goal. But why is a certain age group specifically loving this World Cup? That topic was discussed on Drew & KB on Friday afternoon.

Matt Mueller (OnMilwaukee.com) joined the show during his usual slot on Friday afternoon. Mueller has been enjoying the World Cup at bars around the city. Something he has noticed, is the abundance of 30-40 year olds enjoying the matches.

KB has noticed the same thing and had a theory to share with Mueller.

"The kids of us are now in their 30's and they were the ones who grew up playing soccer and not necessarily little league (baseball). Now, it is going to be the sport of their youth."

Listen to the full explanation by KB below. Listen to the full show podcast at 973thegame.com.

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